
Here is Rose at her second appointment. She's been on oral medication for 11 days, as well as essential oils applied 3 or 4 times daily for four months now. Her dosage has increased three times. No apparent side affects so far. We just keep her well fed to make sure her blood sugar and blood pressure don't drop. Can you see the difference from her last appointment?!!!!


  1. I love her smile!!! I think it looks less swollen than before :-) Such a sweet girl!

  2. Its not drastic but I can definitely see her eye opening up and her mark getting lighter. Thanks Kendra!

  3. WOW!! In just 11 days!! That's some great medication!! Taylor and I can totally see a difference in the color and her eye! It's really opening up!! She is super cute and her smile made us giggle!!

  4. How everything continues to go well!

  5. Thank you everyone! Yes Stefanie! We are enjoying the results.


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