It's been a busy day!
Our first appointment was for Rose to have a hearing test. I thought I was well prepared to entertain the 4 year old sibling (good friends already watching the older two), but of course I was wrong. He found it very entertaining to turn the sound all the way up on a game during the test. I didn't know if we'd make it through. But seriously- what was I thinking bringing a 4 year old to an appointment that needed it to be very quiet?! Lesson learned.
Next we had her ENT follow-up (ear, nose, throat). We got the results of the hearing test and everything is normal! Even with her hemangioma closing part of the opening of her ear, she is still hearing and it should not cause any speech or development delays. Awesome! Rose had a camera go down her delicate nostril into her airway. There was some concern that because she has a hemangioma on her gums and a small dot on her chin, it could mean more in her throat/esophagus. But the camera showed nothing! She was clear. We will have another follow-up in 3 months for another hearing test.
Our last appointment for the day was with our favorite office-dermatology! This office really knows how to help a struggling mom and lift spirits! Rose has grown some more and will be increasing her oral meds, but otherwise doing great! We are almost done with all her initial screenings, with the MRI appointments left. Look at this little girl after such a busy day!